What is Bootstrap? Why I Love Bootstrap, and Why You Should Too
Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework for developing mobile first responsive websites. writing plane CSS is fine but we often use similar chunks of code that we copy and paste from project to project. For most of developers use their own organized base CSS files to use as foundation for their projects. This method works but it is not the best way to get things done specially their are fast and easy ways out there. Specially with rise of mobile and tablet devices, making responsive websites and keep it up with the latest technologies is time consuming and challenging. To solve all of those challenges we can use CSS frameworks. We now have dozens of CSS frameworks among them bootstrap is the most popular framework out there. This framework is created by former Twitter employees Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton. In simple terms, Bootstrap is a giant collection of reusable code written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Its also front-end development framework that enables developer...