
What is Bootstrap? Why I Love Bootstrap, and Why You Should Too

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework for developing mobile first responsive websites. writing plane CSS is fine but we often use similar chunks of code that we copy and paste from project to project. For most of developers use their own organized base CSS files to use as foundation for their projects. This method works but it is not the best way to get things done specially their are fast and easy ways out there. Specially with rise of mobile and tablet devices, making responsive websites and keep it up with the latest technologies is time consuming and challenging.  To solve all of those challenges we can use CSS frameworks. We now have dozens of CSS frameworks among them bootstrap is the most popular framework out there. This framework is created by former Twitter employees Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton. In simple terms, Bootstrap is a giant collection of reusable code written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Its also front-end development framework that enables developer...

Java what is mutable and immutable and Why String is Immutable in Java

Java being one of the most popular object-oriented programming language provides various concepts for crating applications.In Java interviews one of most asked question is that what is mutable and immutable and Why String is Immutable in Java ? This question also asked as  Why String class is made final in Java or simply, Why String is final ? In order to understand this we must have solid understanding of what is string and what is the architecture behind string in java.   What is Mutability? The word mutable means changeable. If an object of a class can be changed this class is called mutable class. In another word you can change/update the values of an a objects without creating a another object then it's mutable. What is Immutability? The word immutable means unchangeable. If and object of a class cannot be changed, then this class is called immutable class. In another word you cannot change or update the values of and object without creating another...

What is Tailwind CSS ? How To Setup Environment And Get Started

When it comes to frontend development it can be very harder to stick to the game. Why? because you have to know a lot of things and be up-to-date at every point in time else you'll be left behind. We have to make sure website is responsive design, modern looking, having unique look and user attractive etc... Most CSS frameworks do too much. Responsive user interface have mostly been implemented with libraries like Bootstrap, Foundation, Bluma, or good old fashion media queries. but ever tired of using bootstrap or any other framework because of loading ~300kb of file when all you need is responsive grids or button or maybe responsive navigation or your all application you build looks the same when you want a little difference, you have to manually override tons of styles just so you get something different, feel tired right? trust me i know. They come with all sorts of predesigned components like buttons, cards, and alerts that might help you move quickly at first, but c...

do we really need a front-end framework

Recently, I had to ask myself this question: "Do we really need a front-end framework ?". You have likely heard about front-end frameworks like Angular, React and Vue. If you thought why and when these frameworks are used and whether it's time you implement once in your project trust me your not alone. Put simply, a JavaScript framework is a tool that can leverage to develop advance web applications, especially Single Page Applications(SPAs). In past days web developers would implement front end logic by relaying heavily on vanila JS add jQuery. But, as front end application became more and more complex, the tools rose to meet that complexity. The most resistance question could be following question: Why would we need to use  Angular  (or  React ), when we could do everything with classical  HTML/CSS ? We are going to look at 4 points How a front end grows  The architecture problems you might encounter as it scales  How a front-end fr...

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